During pregnancy, your body has to work very hard, and it will go through a series of changes. This puts pressure on your body and sometimes this will cause irritation and discomfort which can be distressing.
In most cases, these symptoms arise from common pregnancy related conditions and so there is no need to worry. However, it is important that you contact your doctor about anything at all that is making you anxious. Here are a number of common health problems experienced during pregnancy and how to treat them.
Because your body is working very hard for you and your baby, it is completely normal that you feel tired, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Throughout your pregnancy, it is important that you get plenty of rest and sleep in order to keep your energy levels up. Don’t overdo it and whenever you feel exhaustion kicking in, have a nap, if possible, or sit down with your feet up.
Feeling faint is common during pregnancy. The hormonal changes that your body is experiencing can cause you to feel light-headed, nauseated and clammy. To avoid feeling faint, make sure you stand up from a sitting position slowly. If you are standing when you feel dizzy, sit down somewhere slowly or lie down on your side.
Indigestion and heartburn
Indigestion is, again, another common health problem experienced by pregnant women. It is caused by hormonal changes and by the womb applying pressure to your stomach as it increases. If you have indigestion, you may feel sick, full and gaseous, and you may experience a burning sensation in your chest. You may be able to deal with indigestion with a few simple changes to your eating habits. For example, eating smaller meals frequently, chewing your food thoroughly and eating healthy foods. However, if this does not work, your doctor may recommend that you try some indigestion medication that is safe to use during pregnancy like antacids or alginates.
The hormonal changes in your body may cause you to become constipated. If you are badly constipated, this can lead to piles (haemorrhoids) which is the swelling of the veins around the lower rectum and anus. To relieve symptoms of constipation you should eat foods that are high in fibre like fruit and vegetables, to keep your stools soft and regular. You should also drink plenty of water and do plenty of exercise to increase circulation. If you have piles, try a natural treatment or a piles remedy. But, be sure to check the safety of any treatment with your doctor before you use it.
Because the muscles in your body stretch while you are pregnant, this can cause backache. In order to avoid backache, do not lift heavy objects, wear flat shoes and sit up straight. If you have an aching back gentle exercises can help to ease the pain. If you are worried that you are not doing your exercises correctly, sign up for an antenatal class that focuses on back care.
As your body prepares for labour, you will experience a number of changes that can be alarming, but in most cases are perfectly normal. There are some home remedies and medication that are safe. However, your doctor is there to help if you are worried about anything at all.