All normal females are born with two ovaries, each located at both sides of the uterus. During childbearing years, an egg that is produced in the ovary will be released every month and in case the egg is fertilized, the result that most likely to come is the pregnancy. An egg grows inside the ovary until estrogen (a hormone), signals the uterus to prepare itself for the egg. In turn, the uterus begins to thicken itself and prepare for pregnancy. This cycle occurs each month and usually ends when the egg is not fertilized. This process is called the menstrual period. It is a normal process however sometimes problem might occur and brings to the existence of cyst.
Cysts may appear in the ovaries for reasons other than the normal menstrual cycles in women. For instance, a patient may have cysts in their ovaries before they begin to have their period. In some cases the cyst does not dissolve naturally on its own and results in the increasing pain of the abdomen over time.
There are several reasons contributing to the formation of cyst. Factors that can increase the risk for ovarian cysts include disorders that increase ovarian stimulation, such as gestational trophoblastic disease, multiple gestation pregnancies, and exogenous ovarian stimulation. Some of the basic causes for cysts include an immune system that has been weakened, poor diet plans, being overweight and also the retention of different toxic substances within the body and the digestive system in particular.
As for the ovarian cyst, a woman may develop one or more of them.
- Hemorrhagic cyst – occurs when bleeding occurs within a cyst.
- Endometriomas cyst – cyst is formed when endometrial tissue grows in the ovaries
- Corpus luteum cyst – occurs after an egg has been released from a follicle.
- Follicular cyst – formed when ovulation does not occur or when a mature follicle involutes.
- Dermoid cyst – an abnormal cyst that usually affects younger women and may grow to 6 inches in diameter.
Some people might face symptoms which shows the existence of the ovarian cyst. Some of them are:
- Severe feeling in the pelvic area, which begins before the menstrual cycle starts or before the cycle ends.
- Strange pains in ribs, which feel muscular
- Straining or pressure when eliminating.
- Breast tenderness
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Bloating
- Weight gain
Doctor might offer various treatments for ovarian cysts and one of them is by surgery. Specific medications by prescription or indeed surgery may be recommended by doctors for ovarian cysts. Nonetheless, both of these treatments only have temporary effects because they treat only the symptoms of the disease. Ovarian removal procedure is an option for women with ovarian cysts. A doctor may recommend that the involved ovary be removed for various reasons. These reasons are; if the cyst is cancerous, large in size, has a large amount of solid matter and in some cases, already twisted. This procedure normally not being offered to the younger patient as they prefer to save the ovaries due to the desire to have babies. Older women normally prefer to take the procedure as the result is more secure to their body.
Aware of the symptoms that you face because it might the one that tells you the occurrence of the ovarian cyst. If you face the symptom, meet the doctor as soon as possible so early steps can be taken before it’s too late.
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